Friday, 22 January 2010

Andy Warhol - Sleep and Blow Job - 1963
Andy Warhol's silent films were shot at the sound speed of 24 frames per second and, during the 1960s, projected at the silent speed of 16 fps resulting in slow motion.
The film was one of Warhol's first experiments with filmmaking, and was created as an "anti-film"

"I could never finally figure out if more things happened in the sixties because there was more awake time for them to happen in (since so many people were on amphetamine), or if people started taking amphetamine because there were so many things to do that they needed to have more awake time to do them in... Seeing everybody so up all the time made me think that sleep was becoming pretty obsolete, so I decided I'd better quickly do a movie of a person sleeping. Sleep was the first movie I made when I got my 16mm Bolex."

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