Friday, 22 January 2010

German Expressionism - Robert Wiene - The Cabinet of Dr Caligari - 1919

German Expressionism spans a number of movements beginning in Germany before the first world war, and reached peak in Berlin in the 1920s. The German film industry was booming at this time, but the hard economics of the post-war period led to filmakers developing their own styles using symbolism and mise en scene. The films often dealt with madness, insanity, betrayal etc and two genres that were especially influenced by Expressionism are horror film and film noir.

we watched part of this silent film directed by wiene, which is one of the most influential german expressionism films. The plot is presented as a series of flashbacks, and is about murder and insanity. The film has a twist at the end and reveals the flashbacks are in fact fantasy set in an insane ayslum.

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